This is where I will share about my daily adventures in motherhood, education, photography, artistic expression, and my love for all things creative. I hope you will come in and stay a while.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
So first of all Grammy's Chatham home sale finally went through at the beginning of November. It was a long process dealing with the real estate agent who was quite picky and also dealing with family members from J's side of the family who had only recently become more active in Grammy and J's lives. It is interesting that since the sale I haven't heard from this part of the family, but I guess that was to be expected. I am relieved that they are safe in assisted living with funds to sustain that life style for some time.
School has been very busy. I don't talk much about this here simply because of privacy issues. Suffice it to say that both of the sessions I teach have unique needs and challenges. I am very tired when I finally come home each night! I think it is the sign of the times. I don't understand why things are seemingly so difficult for some families and children but I am honored that they bring their children to my school and entrust them into our care. On a similar not I just finished an outstanding parenting book that has resonated with me on so many levels!
Negotiation Generation: Take Back Your Parental Authority Without Punishment
by Lynne Reeves Griffin
All the teachers at school are reading this book and have found the information very helpful. If you struggle at all with parenting issues please read this book. It is an easy read with many great examples and practical ideas on how to move toward proactive parenting. I honestly can't say enough about this book. It's available on amazon or from Lynne's website.
On another note Dad's primary care doctor reconfirmed that Dad does have dementia. It is probably from his alcohol abuse. Luckily he is no longer drinking so hopefully the dementia will not progress but he does need significant help with daily living skills. His doctor told me had it not been for the support he receives from his family; Dad would have been institutionalized long ago! It is so difficult to switch roles with a parent. I struggle with this process on a daily basis. If anyone out there has any suggestions please leave a comment.
Good news to share...Stand for Children is now an official chapter in my town! We have 32 active members and will be hosting a Team Founding meeting in January. I truly feel that every adult who cares for or about children should join this advocacy group. The only way we will fix our broken educational system(and it is broken!) is by working together to influence the decision makers and provide a voice for all children. Children's issues should be of the utmost priority as they are our future! (I'll step down from my soap box now) If anyone has questions about Stand please ask!
Well it is getting late and I must get the kids ready for school. I'll post again soon.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Open House
There are so many issues facing our school system. So many parents complain and worry yet it seems like no one knows what to do to change things for our children. If people took the plunge and became dues paying members of Stand for Children they could help set the agenda for our state wide and local plan. As a member driven organization we the members decide what issues are important. Unfortunately the only way to tackle local issues is to have an official chapter. By joining the only commitment a person makes is to his or her child. All we ask is for members help in setting the agenda and also to take action when necessary. All that means is maybe writing a letter to an elected official or calling a representative or getting out to vote in local elections. We could make the schools better. I wish I understood why folks are so hesitant even to just come to an informational night.
Does anyone out there have experience with gathering members for a community action group? I'd love to hear what you think works or doesn't work. It is so frustrating when I know that this group has done great things in other communities and could do great things for us.
I'll get down from my soap box now!
Saturday, October 20, 2007
You are a Mystic, known for your imaginative, intuitive spirituality. You value peace, harmony, and inner silence. Mystics are nurtured by walking alone in the woods or sitting quietly with a trusted friend. You may also enjoy poetry, meditation, wordless prayer, candles, art, books, and anything else that helps you connect with God.
Mystics experience God best through rich images and symbols. You are contemplative, introspective, intuitive, and focused on an inner world as real to you as the exterior one. Hearing from God is more important to you than speaking to God. Others may attribute human characteristics to God, but you see God as ineffable, unnamable, and more vast than any known category. You are intrigued by God's mystery.
Mystics want to inspire and persuade others, and need to live lives of significance. At times you push the envelope of spirituality, helping the rest of us imagine who we might become if we followed your lead.
Sometimes you may feel a bit guilty about your need for solitude and silence. If so, you probably have bought into the American myth that says being alone and doing nothing is lazy, antisocial, and unproductive. Stop it -- now. Give yourself permission to retreat and be alone. It's essential for your well-being.
On the other hand, don't get so carried away retreating that you become a recluse. That only deprives the world of your gifts and deprives you of the lessons that come from being with others. Some Mystics may have a true vocation for solitary prayer, but the rest of you need to alternate retreat time with involvement and interaction.
Interesting stuff, don't you think?
Friday, October 12, 2007
Another Week
Going back to school on Tuesday was hard for all of us. I think we just wanted one more day. n had an especially difficult morning. Wednesday was better. Everyone was happy to get up an go to school. It always helps when the kids feel settled about going to school. Dad had a doctors appointment with his surgeon Wednesday evening so I ran right from school to his house to get him to his appointment. His wound seems a bit smaller but the healing is a very slow process. His surgeon does not seem worried by the amount of time it has taken to see progress in his healing and Dad isn't bothered by the wound so we are just going to wait and see how things go. He'll go back in another three months. Good news for me as I am the driver and note taker. I was happy to see Thursday come and go as I have Friday's off and the mornings are a bit less hectic.
This morning I met with Katie from Stand for Children. I am very excited to be a part of this organization and look forward to sharing my enthusiasm with friends on October 23 at an informational meeting at my home. I hope that everyone who comes will decide to become a member and take and active role in effecting positive change for children in our community.
For more information check out Stand for Children's web site.
Friday, October 5, 2007
Stand Up for CHILDREN
Before the school year started I recieved a letter from the parent of one of n's former classmates. The letter was regarding a new group that is trying to create a chapter in our hometown. The group is called STAND for Children. When I first recieved the letter I thought it sounded interesting but questioned if I had the time to go to the meeting never mind join the organization. Then we started school and n had her meltdown and I made the decision to take action! I wrote my letter to n's teacher, called to get more information regarding STAND and went to the meeting. I have to say I was blown away. So much information was shared. I spoke with a local real estate agent who told me families actually cross our community off their list because of the schools. I was shocked. Our school system isn't terrible but it could be so much better. I decided to join the group and have been asked to become a team coordinator. The position requires only about 1 hour of work per week with 1 evening meeting per month. I think it is important to take a stand to improve the lives of my children as well as the lives of the very young children that I work with on a daily basis who will attend local school. I'm looking forward to setting an example for my children and hopefully effecting a change in the local educational policy. Check out the web site. It is pretty interesting.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
The First Week and Standardized Testing!!!!!!!!
The beginning of the week was shaky. Both of my children were hesitant about going to school. N even had stomach aches each morning. I chalked it up to new school year nerves. N did talk about some tests he had been taking and I thought that they might have been doing pretests for math and reading from the various reading and math programs used in our school system. Well I found out what was really going on on Tuesday afternoon. I was in class(the first day for these children) when the school secretary came to call me out of class for a phone call. It was the school nurse from the children's school. Immediately I thought oh no N is really sick. It wasn't my big guy it was 'n' who is in first grade. I got on the phone and could hear her crying in the background. Sobbing is a better word. I spoke with the nurse and she said 'n' was in the office not feeling well, she hadn't felt up to eating and she said her tummy hurt. I asked the nurse if she new if something had happened during the day or if there was a stomach bug going around. She said no and then told me that 'n's teacher had said that the children had to take a test over the past two days and perhaps this could have been the problem. I spoke with 'n' and was able to do some deep breathing with her over the phone and get her to calm down. She couldn't tell me what was wrong. All she could say was that she didn't feel well. I spoke to the nurse again and we left it that I would try to get coverage for work and call them back. After talking to my colleagues and decided that if 'n' weren't physically sick that she really needed to push through the day so that she would know that she could manage and get through the day and that I would pick her up at parent pickup with her brother so that they didn't have to take the bus home. Well I called the nurse back and was able to talk with 'n' again. I told her that I knew she could do it and that her teacher would help her and that I would pick her up at parent pickup. I also was able to speak with her teacher who told me that the test the children had to take was terrible it was over their heads and that she never wanted to give it to 1st graders again. She also said she wished the parents would do something about the situation. I was completely floored that they were doing standardized testing with children who were just starting their school experience. It was the fourth day of school when they started the test! As an educator I know how developmentally inappropriate this practice is and boy was I upset. I picked up my kids that afternoon and as soon as 'n' saw me she dissolved into tears. She cried for about 30 minutes off and on and then it took her another 30 minutes to feel ok. Well I couldn't stand it! I wrote the following letter to 'n's teacher.
September 12, 2007
Dear Mrs. L,
Thank you for helping 'n' get through the rest of the day yesterday. We truly appreciate your kindness and caring. I think that 'n' was feeling tired, worried and overwhelmed by the day. The testing may have been what pushed her past her breaking point. She was relieved to see me at parent pick up and again broke down in tears. It was difficult for her to articulate much more than the fact that she just didn't feel well. It did take her about an hour at home resting and relaxing with me before she was feeling better. I know that adjusting to the first grade is a process that will take some time. We will get through it together.
I am shocked that the first grade children are being put through testing at this point in the year. These children are managing so much at the beginning of the year; longer days, new teachers, different expectations, relationships with new friends. I fail to understand the reasoning behind adding testing to all that the children are trying to manage at this time. Could you give me more information regarding this testing? I'd like to know the name of the test, if it is state or district mandated, how it is administered-timed or un-timed, are modifications made for emergent readers, and how the results are reported and then used to effect classroom instruction. I'd also like to know why parents are not informed about the testing so that we can prepare our children and ease any fears that might surface. Testing children at this age and at this early point in the year is developmentally inappropriate. I have serious concerns regarding the decision to test first graders and would like to know to whom I would address my concerns. Thanks for any information you can share with me.
I hope that 'n' will have a better day today. I have reminded her that if she is worried or upset that she can just talk to you about the problem and that you know how to help children. Thanks again for all of your help.
Well my letter was forwarded to the principal of the school and the reading specialist in the hopes that I would hear back directly from them regarding my concerns. Mrs. L sent me a note thanking me for the pointed questions and letting me know that her team really appreciated my letter. A couple of other teachers who have seen the letter also commented to me on the letter and even said they hope that I take it as far as I can. I'd like to take it all the way to the school committee however I don't want to jeopardize placement in future years for my children. I have mentioned the testing to a couple of parents and they have seemed virtually unfazed by what I see as a huge problem. There are so many other ways to assess children and establish a baseline for instructional purposes other than standardized testing instruments.
I am writing about this in my blog in the hopes that the few of you who read regularly might have some insight on this situation. I really would like to effect a change in the policy of testing first graders during the first weeks of school. What do you think? Please comment I need as much input as I can get.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
We Remember
We remember.
All of us lost something that day; innocence, peace and safety. For those who lost that and so much more you are in my prayers today. For those who continue to battle illness born out of this tragedy you too are in my prayers. For those who fight for our freedom I thank you and pray for your safe return home.
Peace to us all today and everyday.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Remembering 9-11
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Back to School Part 1
I have my teacher orientation this morning and luckily N and n can come and play while I'm in the meeting. It really is just a formality. The meeting is very brief and then we finish up getting the rooms ready for parent orientation tonight. GULP. This is the part that is quite nerve wracking as you never know what questions might pop up during the evening's meeting. The worst part for me: finding something to wear! I hate that part. I'm much more comfortable in my preschool teaching clothes, you know simple pants, tops and birkis. Oh well, It will all be fine.
Part 2 tomorrow-my N and n have their first day and my students come to visiting day.
Monday, September 3, 2007
Thursday, August 30, 2007
The first product that I received was Listerine Whitening Teeth Strips. They sent me a large box with enough product to use myself and share samples with friends. The product is good. It is easy to use although I found it to be very sharp and spicy in flavor. It was interesting to try out a new product. The next campaign, I joined a few days ago is for the Fly Fusion pen by leapfrog. Now this is a product. For anyone who has 5th to 10th graders and beyond this is for you! It is literally a pen top computer. There are games and programs to use but my favorite part is that you can write on a special notebook and then upload all your notes to the computer and it opens in a MS Word format. It is amazing. I plan on using it when I work on conferences and anecdotal notes for school this year.
I just thought I would share this new hobby with all of you. If you want to check it out go to the web site.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Overdue Birthday Update
We invited family, close friends and some of n's friends from school to join us at a local pottery/ceramic studio . Unfortunately several of n's friends were unable to attend and a couple we didn't here from (had regrets only on the invite) didn't show up. I was sad for n, but she had fun and that is all that mattered. Took a couple of pictures of the cake and R took a couple group shots.



We have also been busy this summer learning to ride two wheelers without training wheels,


They are both so proud of themselves! N has had a huge boost of confidence. For the longest time he had no interest in even trying to learn to ride a bike. I think his legs just weren't strong enough and the balance thing made him very nervous. So needless to say I am a very proud Mom!
I have a few beach stories to share but they will have to wait until tomorrow as on the the children is calling from upstairs.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
The Force Was With Us!!!


It was pretty cool.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Birthday Celebrations All Around
Right now we are in the middle of planning N's Star Wars celebration. He is very excited. We will be re purposing some fun summer birthday games into 'Jedi' training exercises to improve the reflexes of all the 'Jedis" in training. There will be the water balloon toss, dodge ball and balloon volleyball using light sabers to keep the balloons in play. We will have an asteroid search and make homemade pizza and cake and ice cream. Finally we will watch N's favorite Star Wars movie and eat popcorn and candy. It should be a fun night.
Well that is all for tonight. I am tired and off to bed.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Family Fun!
So R has this week off from work. We're planning day trips although the weather may not cooperate. We spent the day yesterday travelling up to Georges Mills in New Hampshire. Grammy and J have been living at the assisted living there since the end of June and this was the first opportunity that we had to go visit. I have to say that I have missed our Chatham trips. Last summer the children and I went down to visit once a week. Now we will probably make the trip once every six weeks. With R's band schedule and the children's various social engagements not to mention keeping an eye on my Dad time is limited. Back to our visit. The assisted living facility was nice. It wasn't quite what I had expected, but they are happy and have a nice little apartment. They are hoping to move into a two bedroom in the fall and that will give them a little more living space and give each of them there own room. I think Grammy is much more active now than she was in Chatham so that is a good thing although she did look tired. I guess that is what happens when you are in your 90's! She was happy to have company and I was certainly happy to finally see the new place! I wonder how the trip will be in the winter with snow? Yesterday also happened to be n's actual birthday. She felt a little jipped spending the majority of the day in the car so today was the official celebration-all day. We went to the local mall and she picked out her build-a-bear. Then we continued on to Target and Toys-r-us for a couple other items. On our way home we stopped at our little local bakery and she picked out a special treat-a vanilla cake with pink frosting. We'll be enjoyed cake and ice cream tonight and then again in a couple of weeks when we have her actual party. Plans for the rest of the week look like the movies, the New England Aquarium and the Boston Children's Museum. I think that will be all we can fit in for this vacation. It should be loads of fun.
Hope you are all well out there in blog land. I wonder what you will do or have done with your families for vacation?
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Dog Days of Summer
Saturday, July 7, 2007
My second big piece of news is that Grammy and J have moved to an assisted living in New Hampshire. They are now close to Grammy's only living son, D. They have been there for over a month. The first month being a 'vacation'. They love the lifestyle. Grammy is so relaxed and happy not to have to cook and clean and worry about her meds! Unfortunately they have only seen D once since they've been up there but I think she probably knew that would be the case. Unfortunately J's family isn't so supportive of this move as we will have to sell the house in Chatham. I have mixed feelings about selling the house myself however I know that this is not about me it is about Grammy and J's happiness. It will be more challenging to visit them as they are about 2.5 hours away from us now but we will make the effort and try to venture north at least once a month. We'll see how that works out.
We've been working around the house these last few days. Painting windows-trying to save them so that we don't have to sink money into new windows. We found one window on the east side of the house to be damaged by water. I guess the lack of paint and the fact that that side of the house faces the ocean led to the damage. We have three other window in similar condition. We are hoping to replace them with vinyl on the outside and wood on the inside windows. The windows we saw at Lowe's last week ranged in price from 350 to 500. I'm hoping we can find something a little less pricey with the same features. I'll keep you posted.
I'm hoping that over the next few weeks I'll be able to fit in some time to play with my art supplies. My room still isn't finished and honestly with the nice weather I don't want to be in the basement. Maybe I'll do some work outside.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Movies, Movies, Movies
AFI's 100 Years...100 Movies -- 10th Anniversary Edition:
1 Citizen Kane (1941)
2 The Godfather (1972)
3 Casablanca (1942)
4 Raging Bull (1980)
5 Singin' in the Rain (1952)
6 Gone With the Wind (1939)
7 Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
8 Schindler's List (1993)
9 Vertigo (1958)
10 The Wizard of Oz (1939)
11 City Lights (1931)
12 The Searchers (1956)
13 Star Wars (1977)
14 Psycho (1960)
15 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
16 Sunset Blvd. (1950)
17 The Graduate (1967)
18 The General (1927)
19 On the Waterfront (1954)
20 It's a Wonderful Life (1946)
21 Chinatown (1974)
22 Some Like It Hot (1959)
23 The Grapes of Wrath (1940)
24 E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982)
25 To Kill a Mockingbird (1962)
26 Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939)
27 High Noon (1952)
28 All About Eve (1950)
29 Double Indemnity (1944)
30 Apocalypse Now (1979)
31 The Maltese Falcon (1941)
32 The Godfather Part II (1974)
33 One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)
34 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)
35 Annie Hall (1977)
36 The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957)
37 The Best Years of Our Lives (1946)
38 The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948)
39 Dr. Strangelove (1964)
40 The Sound of Music (1965)
41 King Kong (1933)
42 Bonnie and Clyde (1967)
43 Midnight Cowboy (1969)
44 The Philadelphia Story (1940)
45 Shane (1953)
46 It Happened One Night (1934)
47 A Streetcar Named Desire (1951)
48 Rear Window (1954)
49 Intolerance (1916)
50 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
51 West Side Story (1961)
52 Taxi Driver (1976)
53 The Deer Hunter (1978)
54 M*A*S*H (1970)
55 North by Northwest (1959)
56 Jaws (1975)
57 Rocky (1976)
58 The Gold Rush(1925)
59 Nashville (1975)
60 Duck Soup (1933)
61 Sullivan's Travels (1941)
62 American Graffiti (1973)
63 Cabaret (1972)
64 Network (1976)
65 The African Queen (1951)
66 The Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
67 Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1966)
68 Unforgiven (1992)
69 Tootsie (1982)
70 A Clockwork Orange (1971)
71 Saving Private Ryan (1998)
72 The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
73 Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969)
74 The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
75 In the Heat of the Night (1967)
76 Forrest Gump (1994)
77 All the President's Men (1976)
78 Modern Times (1936)
79 The Wild Bunch (1969)
80 The Apartment (1960)
81 Spartacus (1970)
82 Sunrise (1927)
83 Titanic (1997)
84 Easy Rider (1969)
85 A Night at the Opera (1935)
86 Platoon (1986)
87 12 Angry Men (1957)
88 Bringing Up Baby (1938)
89 The Sixth Sense (1999) 9
0 Swing Time (1936)
91 Sophie's Choice (1982)
92 Goodfellas (1990)
93 The French Connection (1971)
94 Pulp Fiction (1994)
95 The Last Picture Show (1971)
96 Do the Right Thing (1989)
97 Blade Runner (1982)
98 Yankee Doodle Dandy (1942)
99 Toy Story (1995)
100 Ben-Hur (1959
32 out of 100 I guess I better add some movies to Netflix!
Monday, June 25, 2007
Happy to be back!!
(and thanks for checking in and reading)
Thursday, June 7, 2007
My Power Bird!
Your Power Bird is a Cardinal |
![]() You believe that each day is precious, and you spend your times as best as you can. You see the wonder in small things, and you are often content with what you have. You life an interesting, colorful life - and you bring color to those around you. Confident and expressive, you believe you know how to live a good life. You're living it! |
This is so cool! The cardinal is my absolute favorite bird! In the warm weather when my windows are open I can pick out the cardinals call every time. I feel as if they are calling to me personally. It's kind of strange. The cardinal has a strong connection for me to my Mom who passed away 6 1/2 years ago when my daughter was a baby. Whenever I see a cardinal it reminds me of Mom.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Final Week
Back to Thursday...n delivered her teacher gifts to school with my help. They were beautiful and her teachers and Mrs. A loved their gifts. n helped in every step of the process. She even picked out and helped to arrange the flowers. She made very thoughtful cards too. I think she was proud of the work she did for her teachers.



So on Friday I was able to attend n's graduation ceremony. At her school this ceremony if very special and usually just attended by the children and the teachers. I was honored to be a guest. The children sit on chairs in rows with the teachers at the front facing the class. Each child is called by his or her full name to come to the front of the . At this time the teachers ask each child to share the most important thing he or she learned in Kindergarten that will help them in the future. The answers were beautiful and I was on the verge of tears at several points during the ceremony. When the children answer the question they are awarded the 'Silver Acorn'. The sterling acorn is given to the children in a beautiful pouch with a lovely poem about strength and wisdom. When n was asked what she thought was most important she said "helping others". I couldn't be more proud of her. After the ceremony we had a special cream cones. After snack the children went outside to play. It was a wonderful and emotional day for everyone. I will treasure the memories of this day and I hope n will too.
Monday, May 21, 2007
Healthy Again and All is Well
Oh and I almost forgot...the folks who were trying to micro manage Grammy and J have been stopped by Elder Services. Grammy is so grateful and relieved to have the power returned to it's rightful place. I'm thrilled that the drama will end for a little bit anyway.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Give Peace a Chance
A Lovely Day

Saturday, May 12, 2007
Happy Mothers Day!
Back to crafting and art work is another goal I have for my day tomorrow. I am planning on cutting up some of my soy silk fusion and adhering to glass vases. n and I worked on one vase and used a variety of materials including painted paper towel. I don't like the texture of the paper towel on the glass. It just seems too scratchy to me when I hold the vase. So we are going back to silk fusion and painted coffee filters. I'll post some pictures one of these days when things settle down.
Monday, May 7, 2007
Busy Days
Well this post went in a different direction than I intended, but I feel a bit better having put my feelings to paper so to speak.
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Caring for Dad
So after working in N's classroom for the afternoon I went to pick up Dad and we were off to the Doctors. Both of us hoping it would be a quick visit. Well, we were wrong. Evidently it was a busy day at the office yesterday and they were running a bit behind. After all was said and done Dad is now on another antibiotic and set up for an addition appointment next Monday. The fistula that was there last week has improved a bit but it now seems that there are two others as well. We are going for the least invasive approach possible as Dad would have difficulty keeping up with the requirements of a surgical intervention. Hopefully the next round of antibiotics and faithfully soaking the wound in a sitzbath will clear up the situation. It is challenging because he doesn't always remember or want to take the actions necessary.
On a different note I spent a good deal of time being productive this weekend getting things done for school. I have nine end of the year conferences coming up in the next two weeks. Usually I would wait until the night before to write and type them well hold onto your hats.....I wrote all nine conferences and have three typed and ready to go. I couldn't be more proud of myself. Even R was impressed! Now I just have to get a handle on the coarse work I've started. I'm about half done with the first session's assignments. Not bad for a lifelong procrastinator.
Anyway I hope everyone has a great day. It is going to be a beautiful day!
Caring for Dad
So after working in N's classroom for the afternoon I went to pick up Dad and we were off to the Doctors. Both of us hoping it would be a quick visit. Well, we were wrong. Evidently it was a busy day at the office yesterday and they were running a bit behind. After all was said and done Dad is now on another antibiotic and set up for an addition appointment next Monday. The fistula that was there last week has improved a bit but it now seems that there are two others as well. We are going for the least invasive approach possible as Dad would have difficulty keeping up with the requirements of a surgical intervention. Hopefully the next round of antibiotics and faithfully soaking the wound in a sitzbath will clear up the situation. It is challenging because he doesn't always remember or want to take the actions necessary.
On a different note I spent a good deal of time being productive this weekend getting things done for school. I have nine end of the year conferences coming up in the next two weeks. Usually I would wait until the night before to write and type them well hold onto your hats.....I wrote all nine conferences and have three typed and ready to go. I couldn't be more proud of myself. Even R was impressed! Now I just have to get a handle on the coarse work I've started. I'm about half done with the first session's assignments. Not bad for a lifelong procrastinator.
Anyway I hope everyone has a great day. It is going to be a beautiful day!
Sunday, April 29, 2007
The Visit
As soon as we went through the door it was clear something was going on. Drama again. J was upset and agitated. He said they were having family problems but that Grammy knew more about it and she could tell us what was happening. Grammy looked as if she had been crying. Evidently the members of J's family had called and confronted Grammy on the phone. According to Grammy they called her names and said they would be coming over today to lay down the law. None of us are quite sure what this means. She asked them not to come over because she was having company. Evidently Grammy asked them why they were questioning her about her finances and how they have set up their bills. At this point they told her they didn't want anything more to do with Grammy and J. They wouldn't be taking the trash or fixing the toilets or helping in any way. We reassured Grammy that things would be fine and not to worry. We will hire someone to take the trash and we can certainly do any repairs that are needed. R put in the screens and we worked on cleaning up the garden a bit. I tried to keep the visit on an even keel but the entire time I was nervous about the possible arrival of the other side of the family. I just don't understand why things have to be so adversarial. It was my understanding that they wanted what is best for Grammy and J or at least for J. Agitating him once again is not what is best for anyone. We were able to spend a good part of the day with them and enjoy a meal together. Grammy and J always enjoy watching the children play and visiting with them. At the end of our visit a rabbit decided to visit and taste some of the foliage I had uncovered after clearing away the debris from the winter. Richie and the children had fun chasing the rabbit through the yard. We went along in the hopes that they were not going to have to manage any unwanted guests this evening.
I will continue to plan and pray, as Ann suggested. Thank you Ann!
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Challenges presented by aging
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Challenges of Elder Care
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Tarot Cards
You are The Star
Hope, expectation, Bright promises.
The Star is one of the great cards of faith, dreams realised
The Star is a card that looks to the future. It does not predict any immediate or powerful change, but it does predict hope and healing. This card suggests clarity of vision, spiritual insight. And, most importantly, that unexpected help will be coming, with water to quench your thirst, with a guiding light to the future. They might say you're a dreamer, but you're not the only one.
What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Wash Out :(
Yesterday N, n and I went to the movies before N's checkup regarding his asthma. We went to see Meet the Robinsons. It was actually a pretty good movie. It started off slow but once it got rolling it was really good. A couple parts even brought tears to my eyes. Of coarse what Disney movie doesn't. After the movie we went out and bought birthday presents. Both N and n had upcoming parties so we took care of that and then went back to the food court for McD's. N then had a good check up with his doctor. She has taken him of the am and pm inhaler treatment for his exercise induced asthma. He is still on the singular and the inhaler before activity. He has been much better since starting this regiment two weeks ago. Less coughing and more ability to play without getting out of breath and tired. It is interesting because he had said in the past that he thought he had asthma and I always said 'Oh no...." I guess I should have listened to him.
Today n went to her birthday party at a bead store. While she was at the party N and I went to Walmart and picked up some art supplies for end of the school year projects, $80 dollars later we left and then went off to Best Buy to pick up the original first three Star Wars movies. N was so excited. He's been wanting to add them to our library for a long time. Finally we went back to the bead store to get n. Do you think I could leave the store without anything? No of coarse not! I picked out some very pretty strings of beads that I will use when I make the charm bracelets. I also picked up the sterling silver chain I want to use for the bracelet. I'll be using the tutorial on Sue B's journal. Check it out here
So tomorrow we have no plans so I am planning on organizing some of the supplies I picked up and hopefully starting my charm bracelets. I'll post some pictures as soon as I have anything to share.
Monday, April 16, 2007
What Kind of World Do You Want?
Whatkindof is the first video community that gives back!
We are all connected to one another through our actions. Each person has the ability to make a difference. This is one of the messages of the Five For Fighting video "World".
Tell the world what kind of world you want and raise money for charity by making and uploading a video of yourself, your friends or your family answering the question, "What Kind Of World Do You Want".
Or, you can raise money for charities that John Ondrasik of Five For Fighting has personally selected. Watch the clips posted by others, support the sponsor and up to 49 cents will go to charity**.
**Revver is a viral video network that pays. The Revver system makes it possible to donate up to 68% of this site's advertising proceeds to the selected charities. So, just watch, click and earn money for a good cause.
Fisher House - Watch the video intro
Breast Cancer 3-Day: Komen for the Cure - Watch the video intro
Save the Children - Watch the video intro
Autism Speaks - Watch the video intro
VH1 Save the Music Foundation - Watch the video intro
NY Police and Fire Widows & Children - Watch the video intro
I hope you will all check out this site. It is really quite something.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
On another note I found a very interesting link over at Judy in the Dyes. It seems that Caron has a wonderful idea for a quilt project. It's purpose seems to be to shed light on the losses that have been caused by the war in Iraq. I am not an accomplished quilter, but I feel strongly about the subject of the war. I'm going to try to help with this project to shed light on the situation. I pray for our military who are over there and hope that they are reunited with their families as soon as possible. Anyway I didn't intend to get on a soap box. I hope you will all check out this link.
Saturday, April 14, 2007


Growing up by the ocean gave me the opportunity to spend a lot of time down at the beach. This was my favorite pastime as a child, teenager and young adult. I loved walking on the rocks and swimming in the icy cold water. Exploring the tidal pools would keep me busy for hours. I was happy to be at the beach alone or with family and friends. In the summer I would be on the beach with friends every day. Swimming, sunning and enjoying the long lazy days of summer. During the other seasons I would walk the beach alone or just sit and watch and listen to the surf. It was always restorative for me to sit and listen and just be by the ocean. On foggy days I would always have the beach to myself. How I loved to walk through the fog as it rolled off the ocean. There was something almost mystical about walking through a thick fog. I loved how it felt on my skin and in my lungs. The beach and ocean has always been my favorite place.
Friday, April 13, 2007
Vacation! Yipee!!
This afternoon was interesting. Moms out there will most likely relate to what I'm about to share Both of my children 'N' who is 8 and 'n' who is 6 went to a playdate together at a home of a family that I am just beginning to get to know. This is the first time that 'n' has been dropped off with someone who isn't a family member or family friend. In the past she has had difficulty separating from me, but today was a different story. She didn't even blink when I left. I was the one who didn't want to leave. When I got home the house felt so empty. I guess this is just signs of things to come. We had the opportunity to host this playdate but when given the choice 'N' decided to go to his friends house. This left me with bittersweet feelings. I'm happy that he is secure enough that he will venture out and spend time at a new friends home, but I was hoping that he would want everyone to come to our home. We will have his friends over on vacation and he is looking forward to having them over but for some reason today left me feeling unsettled. It's interesting because I often look forward to having some time alone but when given the opportunity I couldn't relax and enjoy myself. I guess it is something that I will have
think about.
I'm happy to say that my little art studio space will be getting it's first renovation over the weekend. 'R' is planning to use his new paint sprayer to paint the gray cement walls and floor a bright white. I think this will give the space a fresh feeling. We will be purchasing shelving and hopefully hiring a plumber to put in the plumbing for a large sink. In my mind I am picturing a large deep white sink. Last weekend we cleaned the space so the progress will continue.
Hopefully during vacation I will be able to carve out some time to work on some silk fusion. I still have quite a bit of the soy silk roving and I would like to order some more natural soy silk from 'n' and I enjoyed using the liquid watercolors to die the soy silk fibers. I'd like to use the final material to make some fabric charms to hopefully use to make some beautiful teacher gifts for the end of the year.
Well I'm off to spend a few moments with my children before bedtime.