Thursday, November 29, 2012

NoBloPoMo 11/28/12

Tell us about the worst trip you ever took.

I wish I could say that I am a world traveler.  Unfortunately I can't.  Financial constraints and family responsibilities have always kept me fairly close to home.  I have enjoyed many trips to visit with family here on the East Coast.  When I reflect on what might possibly be 'the worst' trip only one trip comes to mind.  Years ago I took a trip to visit my brother in law who was living near Washington D.C. at the time.  N was a small child, not much more than a year old if memory serves.  We rented a minivan and drove.  It was wonderful to spend some time with family but unfortunately that time was cut short.  We went to the zoo and while there I picked up a bug of some sort and became very sick.  Honestly it was horrible.  I spent a day in bed and then we left for home early.  I remember my brother in law being disappointed that we were leaving early and not quite understanding the logic of driving home when I was still sick.  Honestly at that point all I could think of was crawling into my own comfortable bed.  


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