Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Vacation Days!

Well today was my Monday and Friday! Tuesday is my first day back to school each week, so it is my Monday and this week we only have one day of school so today is also my Friday. So I'm off for 6 days. R is also off for the next 5 days. It will be so nice to have a break. We are hoping to get a jump start on holiday shopping as we have done very little so far. I'm also hoping to be able to spend some time writing some reflection posts and working on some creative projects also in preparation for the holidays.

Speaking of creativity...one of the blogs I visit regularly is Sue Bleiweiss. Her work is beautiful. She has offered classes but now has started a website called Two Creative Studios check it out http://twocreativestudios.com/ She started this website with another talented artist, Teri Stegmiller. They are starting a give away promotion for folks who are interested in subscribing to their e-newsletter. If your interested in the newsletter you can sign up using this link http://twocreativestudios.com/newsletter.htm .


1 comment:

Terri Stegmiller said...

Happy Thanksgiving and thank you for helping us spread the word about our Christmas giveaway.

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