Friday, May 13, 2011

Blogger Bloopers

Well I created a 'Thoughtful Thursday' post yesterday.   Actuality I'll be posting my Simple Woman's Daybook entry on Thoughtful Thursdays. As many of you may know the Daybook is a rather lengthy list of questions/prompts for participants to answer and use as a jumping off point for their blog post.  Typically it takes me at least 20 minutes to create this post.  Boy was I surprised to see that it had disappeared into thin air over the night.  Blogger has been undergoing maintenance that was originally intended to only last an hour.  According to Blogger Buzz at some point during the maintenance information was corrupted and Blogger had to go into 'read only' mode.  This is the first time since I began blogging that I have ever experienced such an interruption in service.  It was very frustrating.  As I read further on the Buzz page I learned that they had to restore Blogger to an earlier date.  This restoration effectively disrupted most blogger accounts.  In my case I lost my post.   I'm hoping that it will magically reappear some time today.

On a related but different note; as I surfed blogs this morning and tried to leave comments I found myself becoming increasingly frustrated and annoyed.  I had things to say and was being deterred from doing so.  The more error messages I saw the more I realized that I was missing my blogging.    As I was preparing to go to work I had an epiphany!  Blogging and writing has become a habit for me and it is now something I feel the need to do on a daily basis.  This might seem inconsequential but I assure you it is not.  For several years I attempted to create a writing practice.  It was a constant struggle to make the time to write.  Now I look forward to my writing practice and truly miss when I can't write or respond to my online friends' blogs.  I find hope in this epiphany.  Hope that I could turn my difficulty with daily exercise into a habit too.  Wouldn't that be wonderful?  I think so.


Anonymous said...

Nice blog. I lost a whole 2 new blogsites and 36 hours worth of work coding them. This is a real travesty.

Barbara said...

Thanks! I hope your two sites magically returned as my post did! Craziness.


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