Saturday, January 28, 2012

Lists and more.....

Well I have a to do list as long as my arm today!

Bank, dump, dusting, picking up, bathrooms, sweeping, swifting, mopping, baking, organizing, bill paying, laundry, folding,

and that is just the housework list!

My next list it titled 'Homework'

under N we find study for science test, for my little n we have create book report...pop up book with typed responses to specific questions next we have my category.... (in my mind I hear dun, dun, dun daaaaa in an ominous tone)  here goes:  write letter to families, write Valentines day newsletter, create Art resource book for J, complete at a glance for November through January(yes I am behind), work on printing valentines, finish online pdp class so that I can complete application for my recertification, research midwest and electricity for some fun introductory videos or interactives for the smartboard, go through notes to organize my thoughts and gather all my questions for M.

Ok now I think I might need a nap before I even begin!

Actually with the families help the first list is just about done.  Thank heavens.  Oh I forgot to mention in the midst of all this I'm making Nanny's homemade bread!  Very yummy but an all day process in itself.

Hope your Saturday is a little less jam packed!


Oh and by the way any of my photography friends;  I hope you'll join in on Our Word View challenge.  We are sharing images that represent the word love.  Check out our site here.

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