Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Is anyone else following the financial instability and changes that have been happening in Greece and now in Italy.  I guess I can't say that I have been following the situation, however I did see an extended piece on the financial situation in Greece.  It is frightening.  Unemployment in that country is in the double digits and some speculate that the current financial situation will roll back the standard of living to that of 30 to 40 years ago.  Certainly their economy is very different than the economy of the US.  It is much smaller and in some ways more complex.  Thinking about the situation in Greece has given me pause.  What if our economy continues to suffer and the standard of living in the US reverts back to that of years ago.  How would our country manage such a change?  How would my family manage such changes? It makes me nervous, very nervous.


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