Thursday, July 28, 2011

A Quick Hello

Today came and went very quickly!

Yesterday an old friend dropped in as he was cruising about town.  R is someone I enjoyed spending time with as a young girl.  Our parents were friends and we spent many a summer day and night together as our parents drank cocktails and played Wist at the kitchen table.  The last time I saw R was 8 years ago after his Mum passed away.  Since that time we have both lost our fathers.  It was good to see him and meet his 16 year old son A as well as his 8 month old german shepherd puppy Loche.  Flicka enjoyed making a new puppy friend in the process.

Today came and went very quickly! Lots of cleaning and puppy care.  Puppy check up went well although she had three shots and is in a bit of pain at the moment.  Hopefully she'll feel better in the am.  We are preparing for Verizon reps to come and install fios.  From what I understand it is a lengthy process.  We'll see how it goes and I'll report back tomorrow.  I'm hoping that we will have little interruption in our internet service.

So that's all for now.


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