Monday, September 27, 2010

Busy Playing Nurse!

Well the last several days have been busy taking care of sick kids!  First n and then today my oldest didn't feel well and had to stay home from school.  I can't believe that not even a month in and both of my kids have stayed home sick!

All this nursing has made me tired!

Happily N is old enough to stay home by himself so I ran out and did a couple of things during the morning.  I spent about an hour and a half in n's class doing work for her teacher.  After coming home and checking in with my oldest I ran to the grocery store and picked up supplies to get us through the week.

I also called the town offices today to find out about permits for the work we intend to complete over at my Dad's.  The process is much more involved than I thought.  I have to come up with a floor plan sketch and give them an estimate of the cost of the job.  We have to complete the application and take said application to the fire department and the board of heath so they can sign off on our application before we even submit anything!  Yikes.  On top of that we have to fill out and file a separate application to replace the windows and the doors in the house.   All of this and the risk of the entire situation is definitely giving me some stress.  I keep reminding myself of how great it will be in the end.  I just hope we make it through.


1 comment:

CNA Skills Training said...

Whatever it may be but i can say you did a wonderful job by taking care of the sick kids.

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