Saturday, December 1, 2012

Happy Birthday Special Lady!

I can't believe that she's been gone for 12 years!  She has missed so much.  I still miss her every day.  n and I have been talking about Mum a lot lately.  She wishes that she had the chance to know her Nanny.  So sad!  I tell stories and show pictures.  It is not the same.  It is not enough.  I think this holiday season I'll share my box of letters from all of Mum's beloved nieces and nephews.  It might be a nice way for n to learn more about her grandmother.    Mum would be 80.  I can't picture it....  Love you Mum.



Liz said...

My heart breaks to read this. Having my mother still with me at 86 yrs old and her being able to spend time with her great-granddaughters is very special. I do think you should share the letters. Your daughter is at a perfect age to still be interested and care.

Barbara said...

Thanks Liz. You are indeed so lucky to have your mom still with you! I know that you enjoy her and now with the babies what a joy to share that experience. I will share my letters with Nina, I just don't know when. Sometime during this holiday season.

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