Thursday, December 29, 2011

Simple Woman's Daybook 52

Outside my is bright and windy.  The light has a cold hue.

I am thinking...that good things will come along in 2012.

I am thankful for...all that I have experienced in the past year.  The good, the bad and the ugly.  I feel stronger than I was and ready for the challenges that inevitably come.  I look forward to the transitions that I will be making in the next three months.  

From the's been a catch as you can and take out week!  I guess after all the baking and cooking for the holidays I've been a bit unmotivated in the kitchen. 

I am Christmas jammies. I think that pajamas are my favorite Christmas gift to receive.  I have two new sets this year.  I am wearing my gray cardinal pajamas.  I love them!  They are pretty and remind me of my Mum.  

What I'm creating: nothing but memories with my kids. 

I am be going out with n today!  We have plans to pick up the puppy's license at the town hall,  enjoy one more run to Cupcake Charlies before they close down for February and March, shop at Kohl's so that she can spend her giftcard and I can spend my reward bucks, paint pottery at Claychick and then maybe even grab a sandwich for lunch.  It should be a fun day.  I also must plan a movie date with N.  He really wants to see Tin Tin.  Movies tomorrow I think. 

I am reading...not much lately.  Just working on finishing up an online class.   

I am hearing...Flicka wine to go out.  Besides that all is quiet. 

Around the house...organizing and cleaning must be accomplished before vacation ends.  Boo!  

One of my favorite enjoying being home and dreaming about the future.  

A few plans for the rest of the week: relaxing, cleaning, relaxing and more cleaning. I'm also going to be saying a lot of prayers and sending positive thought to my friend who had her important drs appointment  a couple of weeks ago.  She found out she has cancer and now has to find out if it has spread.  Please if you are the spiritual type add my dear friend M to your prayers.  

A few pictures to share

Our first snowman of the year!  Isn't she cute?


1 comment:

Judy said...

ahem: isn't that a snowWOMAN???????

seriously though, I will add M to my prayers.

you have packed a lot into this morning - I hope you and N accomplish it all before you break for your lunch.

Happy New Year!


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