Monday, December 1, 2008

Happy Birthday Mum

Today would have been my Mum's 77th birthday. It will be eight years on January 15th since her death. Some days it seems like a lifetime ago other day it seems like just yesterday. I miss her. Time has eased the physical pain I once felt when thinking of her death.

Her favorite bird was the cardinal. There have been times when cardinals have 'found' me. When we were in DC a few years ago this cardinal found us and actually buzzed me and then allowed me to take several very close photos. It followed us as we walked down the path in the zoo. It was uncanny. Whenever I see cardinals they remind me of my Mum. Sometimes I think she comes to me in that form.

A couple of years ago this cardinal was teaching his babies how to fly. It was so cool. There were 2 or 3 young cardinals and this father. He too allowed me to stay very near to him as I observed and took photos.

So tonight I say to my Mum what she would say to me every night and what I now say to my children.

Dream of the Angels

Good Night

God Bless


I Love You



Alicia said...

Sending you prayers for sweet memories and tender hugs...

Judy said...

What a touching and tender post! I always felt very close to my Dad when we vacationed in Hawaii, a destination he always hoped to reach, but never did. I could feel his spirit with me when I took my early morning walks. So, I can identify with your feelings.
Beautiful pictures! I love cardinals too...and we have many who live here year round.

Warm hugs, Dear Heart.


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