Sunday, October 30, 2011


Ok so I have run across Pinterest on some blogs and I was recently invited to join in on the Pinterst fun but I am struggling.  I'm not exactly sure how to use this web site.  It seems simple enough.  You 'pin' things you like online.  I seem to be following a variety of randomly assigned individuals(pinners?) as well as a couple of people I know.  Maybe the problem is that my online exploration tends to be very regimented.  I blog. I check my favorite blogs.  I check the local news.  I check on the local schools. Finally I facebook.  Wow how boring am I???  I guess I should widen my online experience.  Hmmm sounds interesting.

Do you pin?  If so please share... I want to know more.



Loretta a/k/a Mrs. Pom said...

Pinterest - simply think of it as a virtual bulleting board that you share with lots of other people. See an image you like anywhere on the web? "Pin" it to your board. You can follow others or just randomly surf the actual Pinterest site itself. I find I go on it every few months, but that ultimately it's a huge time waster, with me pressing "like" and "repin" and saying, "Oh, how pretty".

Barbara said...

Thanks Loretta. I guess I'm not much of a bulletin board person. The site itself seems a bit much to me and everything that I enjoy looking at I have bookmarked. I guess the point is to share what you like with others. I'm not sure I want to use my time that way. We'll see.

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