Sunday, April 7, 2013

Our Word View - Nemoral

What is Our Word View?  A collaboration between two friends who lost touch over the years but have reconnected online.  We share a love of the ocean, photography, quotes, animals and family.  Often times our photographic interpretations for the word of the week are very similar.

This week  the word nemoral  was chosen for our photographic interpretation.  I hope you will go over to Our Word View and see what Liz shares this week. 

Nemoralpertaining to or living in a forest or wood.  

I find that my focus when I take pictures is often on items at eye level or above.  I have many images focused skyward or meeting the horizon.  It is rare that I turn my attention to the beauty that lays at my feet.  This set of images looks closely at tiny plants and moss that grew last year at the edge of the woods adjacent to my yard.  I find myself enchanted by the perfection found in these tiny plants.  


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