Sunday, March 2, 2014

Our Word View - Jaded

What is Our Word View?  A collaboration between two friends who lost touch over the years but have reconnected online.  We share a love of the ocean, photography, quotes, animals and family.  Often times our photographic interpretations for the word of the week are very similar.

This week the word  jaded was chosen for our photographic interpretation.  I hope you will go over to Our Word View and see what Liz shares this week.

So when I saw this weeks word I had no idea what to share!  Then I started going through my collection of images.  On a whim I looked through my scanned pictures and found the following two images.  Let me set the stage for you.  I am fairly certain these pictures were taken after a day of celebrating.  It is summertime and I am clearly ticked pink. 

When I looked up the word jaded I found the following definition:  adjective
  1. 1.
    tired, bored, or lacking enthusiasm, typically after having had too much of something.

    The following picture of my dad fits this definition perfectly!  I think he was done with my shenanigans!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great choice Barb! Love your Dad's expression!

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