Sunday, May 19, 2013

Our Word View - Traditional

What is Our Word View?  A collaboration between two friends who lost touch over the years but have reconnected online.  We share a love of the ocean, photography, quotes, animals and family.  Often times our photographic interpretations for the word of the week are very similar.

This week  the word traditional. was chosen for our photographic interpretation.  I hope you will go over to Our Word View and see what Liz shares this week. 

I immediately thought of my white bouquet of flowers when I saw our word for this week.  It evokes a feeling of tradition for me and on top of that I received it during teacher appreciation week at my current school.  Many children gave me a wide variety of flowers and I chose to group all the whites together.  I love how they look.



Unknown said...

Such a beautiful bouquet! Surprisingly I had such a hard time deciding on a picture for this week. Imagine and I picked it. I thought it would be so easy!

Barbara said...

Hi Liz! That's happened to me too. Sometimes a word sounds great in the moment and then going back to find a photo or take a photo is more difficult than first thought! Crazy.

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