Sunday, May 18, 2008

Odds and Ends

So it's been busy around here lately and all that business has tired me out! So some of the things going on are within my control while others are not. Some of the things that are creating business are things that I have chosen and could eliminate from my life but I enjoy them and want to participate: this would include my work with Stand For Children and the school council at my children's school as well as taking on additional responsibility at my workplace. With these commitments I am out of the house 1 to 2 times a week for evening meetings and am going into work on my day(s) off to keep up with those responsibilities. Summer will reduce the frequency of meetings as well as the workload at work. I am happy to say that I only have 1 week left in the regular school year calendar. Check out our new website:

So on to the things that are out of my control; Dad has been having more of the same medical issues. He has been back to the doctor and has now been sent for a pelvic cat scan that will have to be repeated again after a second appointment to his primary care next week. We are unsure as to why the test has to be repeated. We are hoping to find out more at next week's appointment. His chronic health issues just seem to be getting worse. It is frustrating because he is not always willing to do his part in taking care of himself. There are other issues surrounding Dad and his care that would be too much to go into in this forum but suffice it to say that all of this combined is quite taxing.

Anyway all of these things create a level of business in my life...the first type feeds my soul the second drains all of that nourishment away. Sigh...

This post has gone in a direction that I had not intended but maybe it is something that just needed to be said.

Here's to the upcoming summer months that will bring a slower pace, more time with my children and husband and time to reflect on a very busy year and how to create balance as I move forward.


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