Sunday, February 17, 2013

Our Word View - STORM

What is Our Word View?  A collaboration between two friends who lost touch over the years but have reconnected online.  We share a love of the ocean, photography, quotes, animals and family.  Often times our photographic interpretations for the word of the week are very similar.

This week  the word storm was chosen for our photographic interpretation.  I hope you will go over to Our Word View and see what Liz shares this week.

Well as we all know last week at this time we were digging out from the blizzard of 2013!  In my home we were doing our best to stay warm and toasty by the fire.  After the first twelve hours of family togetherness and chilly 50 and below temps inside the house we had had enough!  So here is the good, the bad and the ugly from the blizzard of 2013. 

Not only does a snow storm bring with it excitement... it deposits beauty onto the barren trees and brown landscape, transforming it into a sparkling wonderland.  I love the crisp, crystal clear air after a snow storm. 

As many know the storms also bring with it ugly damage.  We were so fortunate to have moved our cars down the driveway.  Had we not taken this step to decrease the amount of snow we had to shovel to 'get out' of our driveway we would have lost both vehicles to this huge oak that snapped and fell during the night of the blizzard.  Thank God it didn't break 10 feel lower on it's trunk or it would have landed in my bed! 

Finally.... the ugly!  The cold caused me to make some very poor fashion choices in order to keep from getting frostbite!  It also caused our living room to be turned into an indoor camping area.  It was not pretty!  


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