Sunday, August 17, 2014

Our Word View - Structure

What is Our Word View?  A collaboration between two friends who lost touch over the years but have reconnected online.  We share a love of the ocean, photography, quotes, animals and family.  Often times our photographic interpretations for the word of the week are very similar.

This week the word structure  was chosen for our photographic interpretation.  I hope you will go over to Our Word View and see what Liz shares this week.

At first I wanted to use a picture of a home or building for this weeks post but then I started looking at my photos and realized the word structure could be applied to many of my photos.  I took special pleasure in looking at the  following images of flowers that have gone to seed.  I love how they have maintained their structure and beauty even though their color is gone.  These flowers stand next to beautiful purple blooms yet look just as lovely.



Unknown said...

Perfect choice!

Unknown said...

I think this is a perfect choice for this word.

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